The democratization of research and knowledge: the Recherche avec network

The democratization of research and knowledge: the Recherche avec network

Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière


From 17th to 20th April, 2016, the second symposium of the Recherche avec network was held at Fluminense Federal University. On April 21st, at the School of Nursing, the network's scientific committee met to review the event. The invitation to write this editorial is an opportunity on our part to return to this intellectual and human encounter on the theme of otherness. This theme was present in all the people and in all the images, the songs, the sensations and the new ideas that came from a multitude of meetings dealing with different areas of research and practice in health, education, social intervention and also with the people to whom we proposed creative experimentation in the street. On the other hand, in terms of the symposium, which was an occasion to create links, collaboration and solidarity, this editorial is a good opportunity to present our Recherche avec network, its foundations, its activities and its purposes.

Monceau, G. et Soulière, M.  The democratization of research and knowledge: the Recherche avec network, Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. 2016; vol. 15, n° 4.

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